Invalid command “SSLEngine”, perhaps misspelled OR defined by a module not included.

We install a SSL certificate on a domain to secure the transaction carried out on a website but sometimes we receive an error message

"Invalid command "SSLEngine", perhaps misspelled or 
 defined by a module not included in the server configuration"

while browsing the website. The error message indicates that the module mod_ssl required to run SSL engine on a CentOS server is missing and needs to be installed.

Install the mod_ssl module using yum

# yum install mod_ssl

Once it is installed, make sure to restart the Apache service

# service httpd restart

You should now be able to browse the website using https.

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 16th, 2010 and is filed under Linux Administration. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “Invalid command “SSLEngine”, perhaps misspelled OR defined by a module not included.”

  1. EsorOne

    Some times a solution is simple.. Thx this helped me out

  2. TheSurfer

    I am running Fedora 13, I followed the instructions and now https is worked perfectly fine. Thanks a lot!

  3. burger

    I though i don`t need this package if the apache compiled from sourse. but we do need 🙂 thanks for the solution. cheers!