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Converting table to InnoDB: “The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes”

April 29, 2012    |   Posted by admin   |    Category: Mysql & PostGres SQL

Somtimes you may want to change the Mysql table from MyISAM to InnoDB engine to setup foreign keys, to use row level locks, improve performace etc.

The conversion of the MyISAM table to InnoDB is easy however, if the table is setup with “FULLTEXT indexes”, it cannot be converted as this feature is not supported in InnoDB.

If a table is setup with “FULLTEXT indexes”, the conversion of table to InnoDB will result in “The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes” error message.

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ENGINE=InnoDB;
ERROR 1214: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes

The solution is to remove “FULLTEXT indexes” from the table before converting to InnoDB. To check if the table is setup with FULLTEXT indexes, execute:

mysql> show create table test;
 | Table | Create Table
 | test | CREATE TABLE `test` (
 `col_name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
 FULLTEXT KEY `keyname` (`col_name`)

If FULLTEXT is setup, the output of the above command will display a line as follows:

FULLTEXT KEY `keyname` (`col_name`)

Now, remove “FULLTEXT” indexes from the table:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test DROP INDEX keyname;

Now, this table can be converted to InnoDB using the following command:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ENGINE=InnoDB;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
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Plesk error: SWKeyExFatalError Cannot open file

April 8, 2012    |   Posted by admin   |    Category: Plesk Management

Sometimes a Plesk upgrade may result in an “SWKeyExFatalError: Cannot open file” error while accessing the Plesk panel. The error message looks like

ERROR: SWKeyExFatalError
error: Cannot open file
0: common_func.php3:4537
of_get_key_by_product(string ‘plesk-unix’)
1: common_func.php3:4537
2: common_func.php3:4616
getKeyProp(string ‘demo’)
3: auth.php3:48

The SWKeyExFatalError error occurs when ownership of files/directories in /etc/sw/keys are incorrect.
The files and directories in /etc/sw/keys/ should be owned by psaadm:swkey-data except registry.xml.

# ls -la /etc/sw/keys
 drwxrws--- 2 psaadm swkey-data 4096 Mar 25 04:02 backup
 -rw-r--r-- 1 psaadm swkey-data 22 May 18 2010 info
 drwxrws--- 2 psaadm swkey-data 4096 Sep 15 2011 instances
 drwxrws--- 2 psaadm swkey-data 4096 Mar 25 04:02 keys
 drwxrws--- 2 psaadm swkey-data 4096 Sep 15 2011 lock
 -rw-rw---- 1 root swkey-data 7431 Apr 8 04:02 registry.xml
 drwxrws--- 2 psaadm swkey-data 4096 Sep 15 2011 restart

If the ownership of the files is not what you see above, correct them as follows:

# chown psaadm:swkey-data /etc/sw/keys -R
# chown root:swkey-data registry.xml

Next, restart the Plesk service and Plesk control panel should work.

# service psa restart

However, if the user ‘psaadm’ is not in the ‘swkey-data’ group, it is possible that the ownership of the files get reverted on restarting the Plesk service.

# id psaadm
 uid=501(psaadm) gid=501(psaadm) groups=501(psaadm),2522(psaserv)

As you can see above, the user psaadm is not in the group of swkey-data. You can also verify it as follows:

# grep swkey-data /etc/group

In such a case, edit the /etc/group file and add the psaadm user in swkey-data group. The line should look like follows:


Save the file and verify the new settings

# id psaadm
uid=501(psaadm) gid=501(psaadm) groups=501(psaadm),502(swkey-data),

Restart the Plesk service and the Plesk panel will work without problems.

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