Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/domain.tld

You may receive the “Fatal! Write failure /etc/valiases/domain.tld” error message while adding a email forwarder OR a catchall email address from Email Accounts section of cPanel. The error looks like follows:

Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/domainname.tld. Ignore any 
messages of success this can only result in failure!

The ‘Fatal! Write Failure’ issue occurs when the /etc/valiases/domainname.tld file is missing OR the file is having incorrect permissions. SSH to the server and create/correct the file permissions:

# cd /etc/valiases/
# touch domainname.tld
# chown username.mail domainname.tld
# chmod 644 domainname.tld

Once the valiases file is created for the domain with proper permissions, you will be able to add the email forwarder and catchall for the domain successfully.

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